Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Anthropological context of patriotic breeding of students: ideas and contradictions

V.N. Gruzkov


V.N. Gruzkov is Dr. Sci. in Philosophy, prof. at Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute



Elaborated is the theme of context of patriotic breeding of students. Through judgment of ideas of content of basic ideas of Russian patriotism, it’s role in vital activity of the state and the person, attempt is made to study peculiarities of functioning and realizing of anthropological context of patriotic breeding at high schools, taking into account developing in society, system of education, spiritual world of students both objective and subjective conditions and contradictions, influencing specific, constantly changing impact on outlook of personality, it’s patriotic consciousness, choice of methods of self-determination and self-affirmation in profession and life, and respectively on theory and practice of organization of this process as a whole. As argumentations of ideas and provisions of the article, the author presents elements of practical experience of patriotic breeding.

Key words: philosophical anthropology, patriotic breeding, dialectic, essence, patriotism, values, morality, objective and subjective, traditions.



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