Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Daniil Andreyev’s work “Pose of the world” in the aspect of philosophy of education

Yu.V. Kopenkina


Yu.V. Kopenkina is Ph.D. student at Kuban State Agrarian University



Presented is the author’s analysis of the work by D. Andreev “Rose of the world”, devoted to breeding of person, all efforts of which are bent on spiritual self-improvement. The author attempts to reveal points of common ground between “spiritual pedagogic” of D. Andreyev and such practical direction of philosophy as educational philosophy. Also presented are results of the author’s experience of work with texts of culture, among which are works in literature (both poetry and prose), painting, music, choreography, cinema, cinematography, animation. The author’s conclusion is made, that the focus of scientific interest of both philosophers and pedagogues must be concentrated on how to provide balance in each concrete educational institution on different, but, nevertheless, interconnected levels of developing between: amount of disciplines and quality of lecturing in them, as well as exact sciences and humanitarian knowledge, methods of research, optimum for natural science cycle and humanitarian cycle.

Key words: philosophy of education, “Rose of the world”, spiritual pedagogy, sense, concept.



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