Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Problem of moral breeding in modern Russia and China

Dmitrieva Tatiana, Jiang Jun


T.A. Dmitrieva is PhD student

Jiang Jun is prof. of Pedagogy at Harbin Normal University, China



Examined is modern period of history and education, i.e. time of change of value orientations. During period of change of value orientations, moral unity of the country is getting to be violated, as well as life priorities are getting to be changed, resulting in distortion of moral standards and moral principles. Thus, at present stage of development of Russia importance of moral breeding cannot be underestimated. Modern moral breeding represents itself as complex and multi-leveled, permanent, pedagogically organized process of mastering by students of ideals, norms of behavior, and other important qualities, characteristic of full value member of society of his own country. Conceptual basis of the article lies in the fact, that implementation of moral education as immanent component of modern Russian pedagogy should be one of main goals of pedagogical process at school of general education, and also principal factor of harmony being of the nation as a whole.

Key words: morality breeding, moral breeding, society, moral qualities.



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