Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


In search of the lost senses

R.Yu. Volkovysky


R.Yu. Volkovysky is Dr. Sci. in Pedagogy, prof. at admiral N.G. Kuznetsov Military Naval Academy



Presented is analysis of articles on problems of breeding of students of higher school. The research is shown, that some ideals and values, demonstrated as traditional, seem to be not such, or lost. Conclusion is made, that Russia is in need of new value orientations. Suggested is rational approach to formulating of the conception of breeding, in accordance with which one would proceed from conditions, guaranteeing satisfaction of interests and needs of personality, family, society and government, and on that basis define values, forming by the system of breeding. The concept of breeding must be in accordance with the spirit of time, demanding formation civil society and institutions, enabling development of market economic. Priorities in breeding activity must be forming of civil activity, respect to law, social mobility, independence, responsibility, ability for critical and innovational mentality.

Key words: breeding, national values, civil activity, mission of education, respect to law.



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