Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Influence of level of development of competences of students of HPE and SPE on innovative activity

G.A. Leonidova, K.A. Ustinova


G.V. Leonidova is Ph. D. of Economic Sc., doc.


K.A. Ustinova is Ph. D. of Economic Sc., researcher


Institute of Socio-Economic development of territories of RAS


Presented are results of approbation of methodology for assessing the impact of competences on youth innovative activity. Analysis of competences is based on self-assessment of students of higher and secondary professional educational organizations of level of possession of both general professional and specific competences, required under conditions of innovative economics. Revealed is that by the increase of development of competence simultaneously growing is innovative activity of the youth. Also detected is that innovative activity is to great extent effect of development of innovative skills. It is shown that for raising of innovative activity of the youth expedient is increasing involvement of students of HPE and SPE into research, design and experimental scientific works and realization of multidisciplinary research projects.

Key words: competences, level of education, innovative skills, innovative activity.



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