Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Structure of civic consciousness of personality

A.V. Kurshev


A.V. Kurshev is Ph. D. of Pedagogic Sc., doc. at Kazan National Research Technological University



On the basis of heritage of well-known psychologist K.K. Platonov, investigated and rendered concrete are basic structural components of civic consciousness, understood as a trait of character of personality. Based on concepts about rights and freedoms of person and citizen, given is minimal set of knowledge about civic consciousness, which is broaden by notions about obligations, heritages and results of intellectual activity of persons. The named set of knowledge is supplemented with concepts about obligations of persons, brought in appropriate sections of the Civil code of the RF. Also described is area of corresponding kinds of activity. The conclusion is, that civil activity hasn't it’s specific content, and presents itself as synthesis of other kinds of activity, be help of which realization of rights and freedoms of person and citizen is being realized. Also described is hierarchy of necessity motivational sphere of personality, forming the concept of civic consciousness orientation.

Key words: civic consciousness, knowledge, skills, abilities, habits, orientation, civil activity.



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