Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Creative writing at university, or How to cope with fear of the white page

Yu.A. Makarova


Yu.A. Makarova is senior lecturer at Novosibirsk State Technical University



Considered is methodology problem of “fear of the blank page”, when learners are not able to put their ideas on paper or personal computer display in written form. The research indicates, that the named problem is urgent by training in a foreign language at universities, and must be solved. Solution to this methodology problem is seen by the author in employing such techniques of creative writing, as automatic writing and cooperative writing. Analyzed are specific features of these techniques, and also the article is provided concrete examples of applying both automatic writing and cooperative writing during training lessons in German language. Causes of the fear of the blank page are also considered, and pedagogical conditions, which are necessarily be kept by using of the methodic of creative writing on the purpose to cope with the fear of the blank page, are specified. Finally, results of the research, as well as key findings are analyzed.

Key words: fear of the blank page, creative writing, automatic writing, cooperative writing.



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