Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Image of SMART pedagogue of institute for improvement qualification

S.D. Mukanova


S.D. Mukanova is doct. in Pedagogy, Director at Branch of

National Center for Professional Development «Orleu» of Institute for for professional development of Karaganda region, Repablic of Kazakhstan



Discussed are issues, connected with the problem of improvement of quality of educational practice in the system of continued professional development of pedagogue in institutes for improvement of qualification. Presented is the author’s system, aimed at guaranteeing conditions for personal and career growth of pedagogue, opening opportunity for improvement of quality of his professional activity. Also shown are principal conditions, guaranteeing successful functioning of the named system. In detail substantiated and analyzed is concrete innovative experience of using of that system at center of professional development of pedagogues “Orleu” with elaboration of basic development factors of such. Also presented is acting model for continued professional training of pedagogue at institute for improvement of qualification with selection of basic resources of corresponding development. In particular, characterized are professional profiles of SMART pedagogue, securing in him development of necessary professional potential.

Key words: SMART pedagogue, system of improvement of qualification, development of potential, professional activity.



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