Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Theoretical methodical aspects of improving comfort of virtual educational environment at high school of physical culture

A.R. Kamaleeva, R.H. Gilmeeva, R.R. Khadiullina


A.R. Kamаleeva is doct. in Pedagogy, assoc. prof., e-mail:

R.H. Gilmeeva is doct. in Pedagogy, prof. e-mail:

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education by Russian Academy of Education, the city of Kazan;

R.R. Khadiullina is cand. of Pedagogy, senior lecturer at Povolzhie State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism



Elaborated are theoretical methodical aspects of improving comfort of educational environment at high school of physical culture. The authors paid attention to the fact, that long-term training and competition, forcing student-athletes to miss classroom lectures and practical classes, determine the need to use in educational process of distant learning resources and technologies in specially created virtual educational environment. This environment is aimed at ensuring development and self-development of personality of student. Ecological approach, underlying model of the virtual educational environment of high school of physical culture, makes possible to guarantee for each student-athlete equal educational opportunities, making learning process more comfortable.

Key words: ecology of human, students-athletes, virtual educational environment, comfortability.



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