Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Productive education and control over quality of mastering of studied material

N.B. Yanovskaya


N.B. Yanovskaya is cand. of Technics, doc. at

Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk



Presented is the author’s examination of the problem of training student of technical university in mathematics. Detached are principal questions of the problem, i.e. construction of tasks and exercises in studying mathematics as the process with concrete aim, acquiring by student ability to meta-cognition and meta-thinking, cognition of mathematics as knowledge gestalt, transition from the state of senseless presentation of knowledge gestalt to accessible understanding and transfer on another situation, self-education by support of orientation on success, stimulus as principal method of control of knowledge. Attention is paid on change of intenciveness of structure of consciousness and order of basic components of thinking of high school student, comparing with the period of training at school, that alteres methods of education and control of knowledge. Noted is the role of group construction of tasks and exercises, by which as result of orientated activity knowledge presents itself as fruit of common creative work and collective efforts, influencing on self-evaluation of each participant of the process of education.

Key words: basic structures of consciousness, forms and control of education, gestalt of knowledge, behaviourism, team oriented activity, activity function of reflexion, scale of evaluation, constructing of exercises, boundary control of knowledge, conception of fundation.



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