Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


“The world of mathematical knowledge” and it’s explication in philosophy of education

N.V. Mikhailova


N.V. Mikhailova is cand. of Philosophy, assoc. prof. at

Belorussian State University for Informatics & Radio-electronics



Presented is philosophical analysis of the notion of «world of mathematical knowledge», being in the basis of philosophy of mathematical education. Analyzed are such aspects of the problem, as interaction of mathematics and philosophy, correlation between philosophy of education and meta-mathematics, pedagogical activity and mathematics and so on. Besides, presented is the author’s estimation of modern system of mathematical education in detail context of scientific traditions and innovations. In particular, conclusion is is made, that mathematics by the help of it’s own specific directions of substantiation is the form of expression of most important laws of well-developed scientific theories. In connection with that, in the author’s opinion, the biggest value of mathematics consist in development of cognition, aimed at expression on it’s abstract language of inner organization and structure of humanitarian and natural scientific theories.

Key words: mathematical knowledge, philosophy of education.



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2. Lolly, G. Philosophy of mathematics: the legacy of the twentieth century. Nizhny Novgorod, 2012.

3. Pokorny, Yu.V. Humiliation by mathematics? Voronezh, 2006.

4. Manin, Yu.I. Mathematics as a metaphor. Moscow, 2008.

5. Mikhailova, N.V. Mathematical knowledge and it’s explication in philosophy of education. Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 20. “Pedagogical Education”, 2014, no. 2, p. 45–55.