Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professional culture and style of lecturing at high school

E.V. Min’ko, A.E. Min’ko

E.V. Minko is doct. in Commerce, prof. at Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation

A.E. Minko is Ph. D. in Computer Science, head of department in AKKA Technologies Group comp., invited prof. at University of Paw, Toulouse, France



In detail discussed are both essence and role of notions of “professional culture” and “style of lecturing” in higher professional education. Given is definition of these notions, and also analyzed is experience of realization of corresponding training. Shown are basic characteristic peculiarities, as well as variations of using of professor cadres of high school both in foreign and Russian higher education. In detail formulated are requests of Russian employers to national graduates from high school. In connection with that determined are main constituents of professionalism and professional culture of both lecturers and graduates from high school. Revealed are peculiarities of gender relations in lecturing midst of higher professional education. Also presented are concrete recommendations as to professional gender dress-code of lecturing personnel of high school.

Key words: professional culture and style, lecturing at high school, professionalism, requests of employers, gender relations in lecturing midst.



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