Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On motivation of students of postal tuition form of study for receiving higher education

O.I. Krushenitskaya

O.I. Krushelnitskaya is cand. of Psychology, doc. at Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after Yu.A. Senkevich



Presented is a brief review of research on the problem of motivation of students of postal tuition form of study for receiving higher professional education. Comparative analysis is made by the author to distinguish using of terms “higher education” and “diploma on higher education”. Detached are typical motivations, as well as relevant motives as to receiving of higher professional education. Also presented is description of elaborated by the author methodic for empirical research in motivation for receiving of higher education, as well as analyzed are results, obtaining in the process of practical use of the named methodic. Described are differences in motivation of students, who attended and who don’t attended lectures, specializing in various directions of training. Also fixed and described are leading motives of various sub-groups of students.

Key words: motivation, higher education, studies in postal tuition form, leading motives, ranking of motivations, anonymous questionnaire.



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