Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Mastership in the system of historical education in Russia

A.A. Anikeev, K.A. Ushmaeva, A.S. Nesterov

A.A. Anikeev is doct. in History, prof.


K.A. Ushmaeva is doct. in History, doc. at

Institute for personnel’ advancement of North Caucasian Federal University

A.S. Nesterov is cand. of History, doc. at Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute



Presented is the authors’ analysis of the place of mastership in the system of historical education in Russia, and also substantiated is the thesis about continuity and synthesis of history and modernity in the named system. The authors presented description of the process of birth and further development of mastership at institutes of higher education of Russian empire in 19th century, as successor of which, as they stated, projects itself the system of mastership training at high schools of Russia in post-Soviet period. In connection with that, the authors are examining in detail the process of re-birth and further development of post-Soviet system of mastership training. Particular subject of the research plays itself as master’s program of higher educational institutions in the profile of “Training in History”. The authors present analysis of content of the named program, analyze it’s concrete filling and elaborate principal characteristics of such.

Key words: mastership, mastership program, competencies, historical education, anthropological approach to history, historical and cultural standard.



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