Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Practice of using of computer means of education in the process of students’ training at the faculty “Tourism” in German language

Slabysheva Alevtina V., Н.А. Шаламова
80,00 ₽

Slabysheva Alevtina V.

Germanteacher, Cheljabinsk, Ural State University of Physical Culture,


Schalamova Nina A.,

Head of Foreign Languages Department,

Ph. D. Germanteacher, Associate Professor Cheljabinsk,

Ural State University of Physical Culture,

E-mail:   nina –


Presented is the author’s practice of using of computer means of education during lectures in German language. Described are various farms of work at certain stages of organization of educational process.

Key words: computer, educational process, computer presentations, inter-activity, computer program, motivation.



1. Prokolienko, L.I. Methodological problems in using of computer in education // Problems of psychology. — 1986. — No. 6. — P. 42–44.

2. Talyzina, N.F. Computerization and program education // Problems of psychology. — 1986. — No. 6. — P. 43–45.

3. Slabysheva, A.V. Practical using of computer technologies during lessons in German language / Actual problems and experience of high schools in realization of requirements of federal state educational standards. — Kostroma, 2013. — P. 91–92.