Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Synergetic effects by digitalization of education in natural science, example of training in physics at University

М.Б. Аркулис, А.А. Николаев, O.S. Logunova, Ю.И. Савченко, В.В. Королева
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-028.42:53  


M.A. Arkulis is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof., Head of Department of Physics e-mail:; A.A. Nikolaev is student of Department of Computer Science and Programming e-mail:; O.S. Logunova is Dr. Sci. (Technics), Prof., Head of Department of Computing Technology and Programming e-mail:; Yu.I. Savchenko is Cand. Sci. (Physic & Mathematic), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof. of Department of Physics e-mail: All at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. V.V. Koroleva is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof. of Department of Physics and Mathematics at Kazan State Agrarian University e-mail:


Presented is the study of developing a theory of practice of synergetic design and virtual physical laboratories to increase the level of compliance with reality and reduce the level of learner’s immersion in the virtual environment. The authors considered one of the objectives leading to the achievement of the goal, the use of synergistic aspect in the digitalization of physical education which allows consolidating virtuality and reality of the surrounding world, and use the “positive” effects to form new physical knowledge of the learner. The authors defined the requirements for digital physics labs, which should provide realism, interactivity, automation and virtualization. The distinctive feature of the research is the synergetic aspect, which consolidates subject knowledge, mathematical modeling and philosophical reflection. The combination of these components made it possible to synthesize a new form of digital physical laboratory and to perform its software implementation based on the developed scenario diagram for the incoming actors. The software implementation of the digital physical laboratory required: preparation of video clips with a series of physical experiments, definition of the laboratory work order (progress) and examples of “return” from virtual reality. The testing of the synergetic aspect and the possibility of its realization was done on the example of a digital laboratory work in the study of the fall of a body.

Key words: physical education; high school; digitalization of education; synergistic aspect; scenario diagram.



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