Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Motivational and life-sense aspects of self-realization of students in the process of their training at high school

E.N. Shutenko, E.P. Akulova
80,00 ₽


E.N. Shutenko is cand. of Psychology, doc. E-mail:

E.P. Akulova is post-graduate student E-mail:

Belgorod State National Research University 

       Put forward is the problem of effective training at high school, solving of which ought to ensure the process of full self- realization of students in educational and socio-cultural system of high school, as well as stimulate increase of their essence abilities during the process of educational training and future professional activity. The article states, that significant personal features of students are conditioned by results of their self-realization in the process of high school’s training, originating from personal involvement in the learning process, uncovering of potential of students into the process of training, as well as social integration into students’ into students’ community. The research is aimed onto reflecting peculiarities of the process features of self-realization of students in training through their personal characteristics. As the result of the research, fixed are connections between students’ self-realization, their ambitions to learn, purposefulness, non-contradictoriness of self-attitude and purpose-oriented co-ordination of way of life.

       Key words: self-realization, student youth, educational process in the system of higher school, personal peculiarities, sense- motivational characteristics. 


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