N.I. Bobyleva, associate professor,
E.V. Rubak, associate professor,
N.V. Cikhonchik, a graduate student
Department of social work
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
E-mail: public@narfu.ru
The article deals with technological aspects for organizing self-work of students, receiving social education. Shown are conditions for making a range of “socially oriented” forms of self-work. Presented is an original form of self-work, i.e. SW-booklet, and some experiences of it’s adaptation in educational process are also described.
Key words: social education, social work, self-work, SW-booklet, animal therapy.
1. Bobyleva N.I., Rybak E.V., Cikhonchik N.v. Independent work of students in the conditions of passing to the multilevel system of education: educational is a methodical manual / N.I. Bobyleva, E.V. Fisherman, N.V. Cikhonchik; PGU the name of M.V. Lomonosov. It is Arkchangelsk: KIRA, 2007. – 139 p.
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4. Rybak E.V. Independent preparation of students is in the educational course of «Theory of social work» / E.V.Rybak. It is Arkchangelsk: PGU, 2006. – 60
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