Michael I Makarov
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent
Assistant Professor of the social pedagogics Department of
the Moscow City Pedagogical University
Theoretical and methodological, as well as historical and pedagogical analysis is presented, that deals with the phenomenon of introduction of children to norms, values and rules of behavior of socially acceptable and approvable life with the help of breeding meathods and means, based on cultural and social situation of XI-XVIII centuries’ understanding about meaning of the category of “virtuous life”. Special attention is paid to the influence of the on Christian doctrine on ethic and pedagogical understanding of virtious life, based on such universal values, as Good, Truth, and Beauty.
Key words: ethic and pedagogical understanding of virtuous life, category of virtuous life, national preachy literature.
1. Platonov, D.N. Ivan Pososhkov. — M.: Economics, 1989. — 142 p.
2. Prokopovich, F. Works. — M.-L.: Publ. house of Acad. science, 1961. — 502 p.
3. Skovoroda, G.S. Selected works. — Kharkov: Prapor, 1990. — 298 p.