E.Yu. Vasilyeva,
Doctor of pedagogy, associate professor
Chief, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Northern State Medical University
E-mail: doc_vas@rambler.ru
Raised is the problem of necessity to work out optimal model for conducting of state examination of graduates of medical high schools in Russia. Presented is experience of conducting of national examination of graduates in medical faculties in France. Also elaborated are principal directions in search of the new model.
Key words: state examination, medical high school, model, evaluation, quality of preparedness, graduate.
1. Vasilyeva, E.Yu. Tempus-4: Examination in Ruhr and Strasburg styles // Accreditation in education. — 2012. — No. 2. — P. 47.
2. Vasilyeva, E.Yu. Evaluation of quality of medical education both in France and Germany / Standards of control of quality of education in medical high school. — Arkhangelsk, 2012. — P. 10—18.
3. Vasilyeva, E.Yu. Elaboration and introduction of standards of control of quality of education in higher school // University management: practice & analysis. — 2012. — No. 1. — P. 51.
4. Vasilyeva, E.Yu. Standards of control of education quality in higher educational institutions: problem, ways of solution, scenarios of development // Rector of high school. — 2012. — No. 8. — P. 24.
5. Vasilyeva, E.Yu. Theoretical and methodological problems of evaluation of quality of professional education // Introduction of European standards & recommendations in the system of guaranteeing of quality of education. — M.: Guild of experts in the sphere of professional education, 2012.
6. Esenina, E.Yu., Faktorovich, A.A., Melikheda, Ya.I. Comparative analysis of content, forms and methods of evaluation of quality of training specialists in Russian and foreign practices of professional education / Content, forms & methods of education in high school: analytical surveys in basic directions of development of higher education. — M., 2012.
7. Standards of control of quality of education in a medical high school. — Arkhangelsk: “Solombala printing-house”, 2012.