R.I. Kusarbaev
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
E-mail: rinkus@inbox.ru
Elaborated are models of educational breeding process and drama (theater) pedagogics, confirming innovation of content of training in foreign language of students as conception of education, stimulating formation of culture of international interaction, inter-cultural and socio-cultural competences.
Key words: models of educational breeding process, drama (theater) pedagogics, conception of training in foreign language.
1. Kusarbaev, R.I. Theory and practice of formation of culture of international interaction at students of higher educational institutions. — Chelyabinsk: ID “Gubernia”, 2009.
2. Dewey, D. How we think. — N.Y., 2007.
3. Kusarbaev, R.I. Interethnic consent and harmonization of interethnic relations in educational policy of the Russian Federation // Аlma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2012. — No. 8. — P. 95.
4. Kusarbaev, R.I. Formation of culture of international interaction at students of higher educational institutions: Abstr. diss. … cand. ped. sciences. — М., 2001.
5. Schewe, M. Fremdsprache inszenieren. — Oldenburg, 2001.