Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Opinions of educational institution leaders on the specificity of competitiveness of a modern teacher in a megapolis

S.N. Vachkova, E.Yu. Petryaeva, V.B. Salakhova, J.I. Sumenkova
80,00 ₽
UDC 378-3

Svetlana N. Vachkova, Dr. Sc. (Educ.), Associate Professor, Director, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education Moscow City University,, e-mail:

Elena Yu. Petryaeva, Director of the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education, Research Institute of Urban Studies and Global Education, Moscow City University (MCU), Moscow, Russia,, e-mail:

Valentina B. Salakhova, PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher, Moscow City University (MCU); Leading Researcher, Centre for Security Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,, e-mail:

Julia I. Sumenkova, Expert of the Center for Analytical Research and Modeling in Education, Research Institute of Urbanism and Global Education, Moscow City University (MCU),, e-mail:


The conducted study was aimed at identifying the ideas of the heads of educational organizations about the specifics of the competitiveness of a modern teacher in Moscow. The research method was a semi-structured interview. The informants were 6 school principals and 3 deputy principals. The analysis of the results made it possible to identify several features of the competitiveness of a modern teacher, which, in the opinion of school principals, are characteristic of the personality and activities of a teacher in a metropolis such as Moscow. These are: the success of the teacher, the irrelevance of the concept of “teacher competitiveness” to the Moscow education system, similar working conditions as an opportunity to demonstrate competitiveness, subject skills and skills of working with children with disabilities as the most in-demand in a modern Moscow school, the connection between the need for teaching staff and solving the problems of the city's educational policy, education and professional development are the main criteria in the selection of teachers, involvement as an advantage of a teacher during selection, employee selection strategies — the decision of the director and collegiality, deficient competencies of teachers — the necessary competencies for the next 10 years, long-term strategies of the school in the selection of personnel.

Keywords: modern teacher in a metropolis, teacher competitiveness, principals’ ideas, interviews, signs of competitiveness




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