Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Пути решения проблем, возникших при воздействии дистанционного обучения на качество обученности школьников

V.P. Sleptsov, N.S. Sleptsova, M.V. Osipova, A.V. Timofeeva
UDC 373-042.4:004

Vitaly P. Sleptsov, headmaster Municipal Budget Educational Institution “A.S. Suromyatnicova Ary-Tolon basic secondary school”, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia;, e-mail:

Nyurguyana S. Sleptsova, physical education teacher of the 1st qualification category Municipal Budget Educational Institution “A.S. Suromyatnicova Ary-Tolon basic secondary school”, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia; e-mail:

Maria V. Osipova, Senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Teacher Training Institute, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk city;, e-mail:

Aitalina V. Timofeeva. Junior Researcher of the Arctic Linguistic Ecology Laboratory, Graduate Student of the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Peoples of the North-East, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk city;, e-mail:


Introduction. Currently, the direction of distance learning is actively developing in many countries around the world. This is also true for Russia. Despite the fact that in our country this area has been developing within the framework of private educational organizations for a long time, in public schools the corresponding experience was gained during the pandemic. It has inspired numerous studies on the positive and negative effects of distance learning. Along with others, such an aspect as the quality of schoolchildren’s education remained undisclosed.

Aim. Finding ways to overcome negative consequences of distance learning that have manifested themselves in the quality of schoolchildren’s learning.

Methodology and research methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific publications based on a systematic approach.

Results. The study presents a structure that includes such aspects of the problem under study as the security of the distance learning process, the positions of stakeholders, shortcomings and recommendations. The negative aspects of distance learning have been identified, such as insufficient development of supporting infrastructure and technical means, unequal access to the Internet, undeveloped structure and content of educational programs, poor communications between teachers and students, teachers and parents, students and parents. In the position of students, one can note such negative consequences as time spent on learning, workload, obstacles of a technical and psychological nature, reduced motivation, psychosomatic and emotional disorders, health problems, decreased cognitive abilities, academic performance, and learning losses. At the same time, the negative consequences varied among different groups of schoolchildren. Difficulties arose for teachers and parents. Teachers had difficulties mastering modern technologies, using effective teaching methods, and ensuring communications. Parents experienced emotional difficulties due to their long stay with their children and forced participation in the educational process. As a result, the process of adapting to the distance learning process has been slow. It emerged as a complex task that requires the participation of parents, teachers, schools and school administrators in the educational process, since the quality of schoolchildren’s learning suffers. Overcoming emerging challenges requires a coherent system of interaction between stakeholders, based on in-depth research supported by extensive statistical data. Since there is currently a lack of relevant research, efforts may be made by practitioners to conduct experiments that allow for a combination of face-to-face and distance learning.

Scientific novelty. This study is an attempt to integrate research data from domestic and foreign scientists on the impact of distance learning during a pandemic on the quality of schoolchildren’s learning, taking into account the main impact factors. 

Practical significance. The data obtained are primarily intended for specialists who form the methodological foundations of distance learning. The experience of other countries allows us to compare it with our own and develop optimal approaches to building a distance learning process, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.

Keywords: distance education, distance learning, online education, quality of training, learning loss

The research was carried out within the framework of the scientific project “Preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity and sustainable development of the Arctic and Subarctic of the Russian Federation”  (grant of the Government of the Russian Federation, agreement No. 075-15-2021-616)



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Acknowledgments: the authors would like to thank the reviewers for their advice and constructive comments, which contribute to the improvement of the article and make it more