Dinara Z. Kamalova, Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science during Childhood, Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, e-mail: nardochka@mail.ru
The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the level of development of cognitive independence of secondary school students in mathematics lessons. The relevance of developing cognitive independence in adolescence is substantiated. The purpose, objectives, and hypothesis of the experimental work within the framework of the author's dissertation research are revealed. The criteria and indicators for assessing the level of development of cognitive independence, developed on the basis of a model that includes motivational-target, emotional-volitional, and content-operational components, are presented. The diagnostic toolkit is described, containing the methods “Study of Volitional Self-regulation” by A.V. Zverkov and E.V. Eidman, “Diagnostics of the Structure of Student’s Learning Motivation” by M.V. Matyukhina, and an independent work in mathematics with tasks of different complexity levels. Quantitative and qualitative results of diagnostics of cognitive independence of 8th-grade students at the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment are presented. The data analysis is correlated with the theoretical provisions of the model. The prevalence of medium and low levels of development of cognitive independence, typical difficulties of students are revealed, and the necessity of conducting formative work is substantiated. The prospects for the implementation of the developed methodology at the subsequent stages of the experiment are outlined.
Keywords: cognitive independence, diagnostics, criteria, indicators, methods, ascertaining experiment, secondary school students, teaching mathematics
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