Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Designing the FAM based on typology of tasks and fuzzy sets

Olga V. Andryushkova, A.A. Zaripov
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UDC 378:37.09:54

Olga V. Andryushkova, Cand. Sci. (Chemistry), Docent, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Methods of Teaching Chemistry, Department of General Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia;; e-mail:

Artem A. Zaripov, 5th year student, field of study 04.05.01 “Fundamental and applied chemistry”, specialization “Theory and methodology of teaching chemistry”, Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, 0009-0008-6794-5048; e-mail:


The activities of teachers and lecturer at the university in organizing and conducting the educational process for natural science areas of study include the man

The work was supported by research work Information and methodological support for the development of fundamental chemical education and research in chemistry. №121121600197-3. For more details:


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3. Ishkov, A.D. Educational activity of a student: рsychological factors for success. Moscow: ASV, 2004. 224 p. (In Rus.)

4. Andryushkova, O.V., Budanova, A.A. Building a hierarchy of tasks in chemistry based on typologization. Science Education: methodological foundations of the development of tasks in chemistry. 2022. (18): 193–206. (In Rus.) EDN: OTXMOI

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  1.  Zadeh, L.A. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 1965. 8 (3): 338–353. DOI: 10.1016/S0019-9958(65)90241-X
  2. Andryushkova, O.V., Grigoriev, S.G. Methodology for assessment of the quality of learning based on negentropy. Informatics and Education. 2019. 34 (10): 37–45. (In Rus.) DOI: 10.32517/0234-0453-2019-34-10-37-45