UDC 377(1/9)
Nataliia A. Mikhalchenkova, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy) & Cand. Sci. (Economics), Head of the Laboratory for the Development of Higher Professional Education at Russian Academy of Education, e-mail: mehedova@yandex.ru
Sergei N. Bolshakov, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Professor, Expert of the Laboratory for the Development of Higher Professional Education at Russian Academy of Education, e-mail: snbolshakov@mail.ru
The article analyzes the problems of functioning and development of the education system, the effectiveness of education in the conditions of increasing demands of society and the state, the tasks of designing a modern system of higher education. Educational organizations are an example of an institutionalized form of education that is embedded in solid socio-economic realities, determining the scope and directions of the proposed transformations and reform visions. The cultural factors characteristic of the societies of individual countries also influence, certain non-pedagogical criteria are determined that determine the prospects for the development of education on a national and international scale. The importance of civil society in the formation of priorities and directions for the development of reforms in the education system is stated, attention is focused on the continuity and evolution of education and upbringing. The necessity of research on the experience of non-state corporate universities and pedagogical theories relevant to the tasks of improving the education system is substantiated.
Keywords: education, upbringing, education system, vocational education, training.
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