Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


On the question of the ontogeny of the model specialist in line with the evolution of educational standards

V.D. Vasilyeva
80,00 ₽

UDC 378


Valentina D. Vasilyeva, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Docent, Professor of sub-faculty of History, Culture and Sociology at Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

The specialist model is an important concept of Higher Education didactics, a system-forming element in the design of educational process to train specialists, the basis for evaluating its effectiveness, forming the subject field of the educational process, and choosing educational technologies and teaching methods. The specialist model, as a system of professional qualities requirements for a specialist, is reflected in the regulatory and legal documentation on professional training, such as State Educational Standards of Higher Education. The last decade has been a period of significant changes in the educational standards of the third generation for higher education, the development and implementation of educational standards of the fourth generation is on the threshold. The topic of transformation of the specialist model presented in educational standards has become especially relevant.

The article aims to consider the changes (ontogenesis) of the specialist model in compliance with the evolution of educational standards of higher education and how it affected the design and development of educational programs for training specialists. Changes in the specialist model are considered, the case of engineering training programs (bachelor’s) throughout the entire period of implementation of educational standards of three generations. It is shown that many changes are both of negative and positive systemic nature. The solution to the problems is not so much in the field of didactics, but in the field of lawmaking when developing fourth-generation standards. For this purpose, some recommendations regarding the properties of the specialist model, being the vital link of educational standards, are given.

Keywords: specialist model, state educational standards of higher education, competencies.



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