Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Theoretical Provisions of the Technology of Combined Correction of the Traumatic Experience of a Child Who has Experienced Adult Violence

E.V. Pchelintseva
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UDC 37.04+(159.96+616.89)-053.2


Evgenia V. Pchelintseva, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Hospital Therapy at Ivanovo State Medical Academy, e-mail:


The article presents theoretical and methodological substantiations of the technology of combined correction of the consequences of violent acts on a child, taking into account cultural, axiological and anthropological approaches that represent the ideological basis of this study, defining the methodology of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children who have experienced violence. The humanistic orientation of Russian preschool education actualizes the problems of studying the pedagogical phenomenon of overcoming the consequences of violence against a child, the development and introduction into the practice of education of a correctional methodology focused on finding alternative ways to overcome persistent mental disorders as a consequence of the anti-moral actions of adults. The sphere of special interest in the presented format is the innovative search for procedural means, forms, methods of combined correction, which we define as a complex of combined methods, techniques, means of influencing the emotional, cognitive spheres of the child's psyche, in order to ensure the harmonization of personality. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of: structural components, practice-oriented methodological tools, revealing the stages of their implementation in modern practice of upbringing and socialization of preschool children who have been subjected to violent acts. The scientific understanding of the use of the methodology of problem-search situations in the format of technology, which are an effective means of correcting the consequences of violence, is indicated. The content of the article reveals the issues of designing in educational practice the technology of combined correction of the consequences of chronic hostile, cold-blooded attitude of adults to the child, causing maladaptation, violating his socialization.

Keywords: technology of combined correction, consequences of violence, problem-search situations, synthesis of arts, combinations of integrated means of assistance.



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