UDC 378:62
Victor P. Soloviev, Cand. Sc (Technic), Professor at NUST MISIS, e-mail: solovjev@mail.ru
Tatyana A. Pereskokova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Docent at Institute — brunch of RGGRU (MGRI) in Stary Oskol, e-mail: solovjev@mail.ru
The problem of providing personnel for the domestic economy in the conditions of the formation of its technological sovereignty is considered. The crisis of our country’s relations with European countries has caused a wave of criticism of the Russian higher education system. Most of them attacked the allegedly imposed Bologna system of higher education. The authors show that the problems of training specialists in our country are not connected with the introduced system of higher education, but with the organization and implementation of the educational process in universities. An attempt is made to highlight the pain points in the training of specialists in the country’s higher education system.
Key words: educational process, university graduates, educational standards, competence approach, student-centered principle, levels of higher education.
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