Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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To the question of assessment of communicative competence in the Russian Medical Education

E.Yu. Vasilyeva
80,00 ₽

UDC 378::61+808       

E.Yu. Vasilieva, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0002-8992-8758

The requirement of the federal state educational standard (FSES 3++) for the formation of communicative competence of medical students actualizes the task of developing effective tools for its assessment at the present stage of development of medical education. The aim of the study is to study methodological approaches in foreign practice to assessing the communication skills of medical students for the subsequent development of consistent tools for assessing communicative competence in medical educational organizations of the Russian Federation. Material and methods. To search foreign literature in an electronic database in English (PubMed), the following keywords were identified: assessment tools, communication skills, medical school, medicine, communication models in medicine, medical students. Inclusion criteria: the age of authentic sources should not exceed the last 20 years and the presence in the database of access to full-text articles. In accordance with the specified criteria, 10 publications were selected and analyzed, which present the results of studies that reflect methodological approaches to the assessment of communication skills in the foreign practice of medical education. Results. Various models and methods are used to assess communication skills in the foreign medical community. They are differing significantly in content, psychometric properties and ease of use. According to the study, the Kalamazoo Communication and Communication Skills Assessment (KCS) model, the methodological basis of which is a patient-centered approach, has the highest scores for these indicators. According to experts, the KCS criteria are a reliable basis for guidance on the choice of tools for assessing the communicative competence of students at all levels of medical education. Conclusion. The development of reliable and valid assessment tools for assessing the communicative competence of future doctors in Russian medical education is possible, taking into account the best world practices, subject to the justification and agreement in the professional community of the list of the main elements of the doctor’s communication, criteria for their assessment, measurement scales, their design and focus, as well as compliance with the requirements of practicality and ease of use.

Key words: assessment, communicative competence, approach, communication, communication skills medical students, medical education.


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