UDC 378-056.2
Angelina L. Kuzevanova, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Docent, Head of Sociology, General and Legal Psychology Department, Volgograd Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), e-mail: angelina2000@list.ru
Aleksandr Yu. Chernov, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor of Sociology, General and Legal Psychology Department, Volgograd Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), e-mail: achernov1@yandex.ru
Valeria A. Zorkova, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management of the Volgograd Institute of Management — branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), e-mail: shirjaeva_v@mail.ru
Anastasia O. Ivashkina, specialist of “Marketing Communications Agency” LLC, Volgograd, e-mail: ivashkina.anastasia@mail.ru
The article presents an analysis of the results of a comprehensive sociological study conducted with the aim of identifying the problems of introducing inclusive education in universities and determining ways to solve them. This study was conducted taking into account the opinions of three groups of participants in the inclusive educational process: teachers, students and disabled people. To collect empirical information, the methods of a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews were used, the study was conducted on the basis of the Volgograd Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA. The results of the questioning of teachers showed that the majority of respondents have a positive attitude towards inclusive education, however, negative stereotypes remain in their perception regarding certain groups of students with various types of disabilities. An analysis of the data from in-depth interviews with students showed that most of them have a positive attitude towards creating an inclusive environment at the university. However, it turned out that most of the interview participants are poorly informed about the goals, objectives, educational technologies, the planned results of inclusive education, about the rules and basics of interaction with students with disabilities. 71.1% of the surveyed disabled people showed a desire to study at a university, which indicates the social demand of this group of the population for higher education. Co-education with students without disabilities, according to 53.3% of survey participants, will provide an opportunity to receive a quality education and will allow them to participate in the life of the team. The majority of the surveyed disabled people generally positively assess the prospects for the development of higher inclusive education. The analysis of the collected empirical information made it possible to identify a set of problems in the development of inclusive education at the university: worldview, information, social and labor, organizational and educational. The solution of these problems can be carried out by creating an effective system of professional training of university teachers, organizing a student volunteer movement to accompany students with disabilities, forming support staff at the university to work with people with disabilities, and using distance education opportunities along with traditional forms of education.
Key words: inclusion, inclusive education, inclusive educational environment, co-education, students with disabilities, disability.
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