Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Organizational and legal model of religious education in modern-day Russia and its relation to historical pedagogic traditions

I.F. Syubareva
80,00 ₽

UDC 37::2:34


I.F. Syubareva is Dr, of Pedagogical sciences, Cand. of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Federal Centre for Educational Legislation e-mail:


Researched are modern organizational and legal model of religious education in Russia in relation to historical pedagogic traditions. Such conclusions are given in three aspects: organization forms of education, attitude to education, tendency of the development of education. Emphasis is made on the significance of faith-based educational organizations in the development of professional education; particular consideration is given to country-wide confession dialogue in the development of education, as well as the balance of secular and religious principles in educational environment. Characteristic of a modern organizational and legal model of religious education in Russia is given with due regard for the legislation on the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, educational legislation and international legal standards of human rights.

Key words: education, historical pedagogic traditions, religious education, educational organization, international legal standards, the right to education, the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion



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