Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Philosophy of technique as a component part of philosophy curriculum

N.V. Popkova
80,00 ₽

UDC 1 


N.V. Popkova is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof., Prof. of sub-faculty “Philosophy & Sociology” at Bryansk State Technical University e-mail:


Analyzed are principal problems of lecturing philosophy of technique in the Higher education. Shown is that the traditional understanding of technique as a tool not explains adequately the autonomy of technique characteristic of modern epoch and its transforming impact on society. In the article various modern approaches to the philosophical analysis of technique are considered. For example, a concept is disclosed that understands technical progress as a stage of global evolution. Developed by modern science, the concept of global evolutionism allows us to see the similarity between the processes of nature change, characteristic for living matter and for technical reality. According to another concept, the forms and methods of creation and development of technical objects existing in a given society are socially: technical progress is determined by social mechanisms, and the functioning of the social system can be understood as technology and analyzed with the help of concepts developed for technique analysis. It is shown that the theoretical models and practical recommendations obtained depend on the understanding of technique: there are different views on its essence. It is concluded that further philosophical search is necessary, since different views on technique become as a basis for opposing programs to exit from the current environmental crisis.

Key words: Higher education, philosophy of technique, lecturing in philosophy, modernity, social practices, global evolutionism.


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