Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Use of interactive technologies in formation of environmental oriented worldview of students

I.O. Kirilchuk, A.V. Iordanova
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09::502/504

I.O. Kirilchuk is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc. e-mail:; and A.V. Iordanova is PhD student e-mail: at South-Western State University, Kursk City


Researched is one of the main problems of the modern world, i.e. the problem of environmental pollution. Scientists around the world are trying to solve this problem by developing waste-free technologies and innovative devices for cleaning the air and water environment. However, most of them agree that it is necessary to solve environmental problems comprehensively, not only from a technical but also from a social point of view. It is established that one of the main aspects that negatively affect the environmental situation around the world is the neglect of environmental education and upbringing activities. That is why the problem of forming the ecological worldview of society is relevant. This is especially true for students of various educational institutions. The authors propose to solve this problem by means of wide introduction of interactive information and game technologies into the educational process. As an example, the authors consider the mobile application developed at the Department of labor protection and environment of South-Western state university SVALKAM.NET, which allows you to playfully involve students and schoolchildren in solving environmental problems in the region, in particular, the problem of eliminating unauthorized dumps by marking them on the map and subsequent cleaning. The app provides a system of bonuses and rewards for the most active users. In addition, this resource is also an excellent information and educational environment, since it contains an array of various information related to environmental management.

Keywords: environmental problems, environmental education and upbringing, unauthorized landfills, information technologies.


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