N.N. Gubanov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. e-mail:; N.N. Bushuev is Cand.Sci. (Biology), doc. е-mail:; and V.V. Bushueva is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. e-mail: at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Substantiated is actuality of using in work with students methods for increased creative activity. The comparative analysis of domestic and foreign techniques of domestic and foreign for activizing of technical creativity is made. The purpose of this article is to review both application and effectiveness of foreign techniques in working with students during development of environmentally safe technical systems. Special interesting represent student creative groups, which are widely used in foreign practice. Discussed in the article foreign methods are tested in Bauman’ Moscow State Technical University at various technical sub-faculties. Shown is their value for searching of non-standard and new variants of technical problems.
Key words: methods of intensification, collective methods, practical skills, creativity, foreign methods, creative groups, environmentally safe technical systems.
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