Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Training of world-class specialist. Problems and solutions

A.B. Chernykh


A.B. Chernykh is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport



Researched is the problem of formation of international market of educational services, that can be formed at the level of interaction between subjects of higher education. The article shows signs of integrity and autonomy of educational structure with cooperation of states, i.e. international innovation platform for higher education (network university of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Bologna transformation of the education system in Russia). The author proposes to consider the improvement of the qualification level of specialists through the harmonization of education systems at the international level. Thanks to international educational sustainability, that requires consolidated approach to definition of a single quality standard, it becomes possible to train specialist with a high degree of labor mobility and adapted to the conditions of international competition.

Key words: system of education, universalization of qualification base, international standard, integration mechanism, education, the Bologna declaration, SOC, USOC.



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