Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Educational potential of Russian youth: gender analysis

O.V. Kuchmaeva, T.K. Rostovskaya, N.L. Smakotina
80,00 ₽


O.V. Kuchmaeva is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof. at NRU Higher School of Economics e-mail: ; T.K. Rostovskaya is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), prof. at Russian State Social University e-mail:; and N.L. Smakotina is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), prof., head of sub-faculty at Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:


Presented is analysis of rapid changes in the world and in the Russian society, requiring deep understanding of developing processes and resources for sustainable development. In this context, education becomes the most important resource for socio-economic and spiritual development of Russian state, determining social stability and the level of education of population. The article describes gender analysis of educational potential of Russian youth, and also analyzes the value attitude to education in the context of gender issues. On the basis of indicators of education, defined are differences in the structure of employment of men and women. Considered are deformations of educational status of the youth. Results of the research allowed to draw conclusion about the structure of the construct of educational potential of the youth.

Key words: educational potential, gender analysis, Russian youth, gender stereotypes, employment market, social mobility.