G.A. Antipov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Novosibirsk State University of Management and Economic e-mail:
Analyzed is current situation of university philosophy in the sphere of higher professional education. Current state of philosophy in high schools’ education, the author states, in no way could be considered as satisfactory. There was period, states the author, when philosophy presents itself as intellectual dominant of university higher education, but nowadays in modern university philosophy is being pushed out to distant periphery of education, and finds itself in deep shadow of science. As it is shown in the article, this happens due to the misunderstanding of the nature of philosophical knowledge and it’s problems. Philosophy, stresses the author, is reflection, self-consciousness of personality and culture. In this capacity, it acts as the main form of identification and adaptation of the subject to changes in scientific cognition and in cognition of the world as the whole.
Key words: philosophy, reflection, thinking, problem, materialism, idealism.
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