N.Yu. Fatkullin is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; E.N. Shvareva is senior lecturer e-mail:; I.A. Sokova is senior lecturer e-mail: ; V.F. Shamshovich is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. e-mail:; and D.R. Musina is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. e-mail:
at Ufa State Oil Technical University
Presented is description of origin and development of e-learning in the world educational practice. The authors described in detail stages of emergence and development of e-learning with disclosure of transformation of the term of e-learning, and defined it’s differences from traditional method of getting of knowledge. Shown is the meaning of the term from point of view of Russian legislation. Presented is actual world statistics in the field of introduction of electronic and distance learning. Also given is evaluation of the level of development of distance education in the RF in terms of principal stages of development of such. The article has a practical significance and may be of interest to school teachers, university lecturers, pupils and students, who choose modern technology of getting knowledge, i.e. e-learning, as well as to general public in order to create positive image.
Key words: e-learning, distant educational technologies, mass open online courses, educational services market.
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