S.A. Safontsev is Dr.Sc. (Pedagogy), prof. at Southern Federal University; and N.Yu. Safontseva is Dr.Sc. (Pedagogy), prof. at Institute of Watery Transport n.a G.Ya. Sedov
Presented is comparative analysis of diagnostic procedures, which include testing, expertise, survey and questionnaire. Qualimetric equipped with diagnostic tools contains built-in indicator techniques that allow to obtain reliable results of study conducted. Method of developing qualitative questionnaire, which includes the wording of correlation of pairs of statements, that allows determining internal consistency of judgments of respondent. Qualitative questionnaire allows to obtain, in addition to comprehensive quantitative result, diagnostic opinions about each pair correlation criteria. Each diagnostic conclusion is characterized by individual quantitative indicator. The appropriate result is being achieved by harmonization of all criteria, included in the qualitative questionnaire.
Key words: diagnostic, qualitative questionnaire, correlation pair, concordia.
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