K.V. Zorin is PhD of Medical sciences, doc. at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov
Analyzed is the problem of dehumanization, existing in the system of continuing medical education in Russia. In connection with that, characterized are some psychological and pedagogical implications of current practice of professional training of medical personnel in Russia. Described are new psycho-pedagogical pedagogical and medical technologies, introducing in process of professional training of doctor at high school, as well as revealed are some problems, conditioned by introducing of such into educational process. Substantiated is necessity of taking into account in educational process at high school of value-semantic, ethical and deontological aspects of medical practice. Conclusion is made, that without solving the problem of dehumanization and training of doctor impossible is achievement of high quality continuing medical education.
Key words: continuing medical education, new psychological and pedagogical technologies, new medical technologies, deontology, bioethics, humanization.
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