A.N. Maloletko is doct. of science (Economics), vice-rector at Russian State Social University E-mail: MaloletkoAN@rgsu.net
N.E. Maloletko is cand. of science (Economics), senior lecturer,
E-mail: 1102505@mail.ru
T.I. Vorobyeva is senior lecturer
E-mail: tiv1007@rambler.ru
Kikot’s Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of Russia
Examined is the problem of necessity of monitoring of employment of university graduates, dictated by laws of the Russian Federation. Under these circumstances, Minobrnauki of Russia attempts to introduce index, characterizing the level of employment of graduates. However, there is a problem of low reliability of statistical evaluation of placing in a job performance, as well as of organs of employment with the aim of administration of data bases, containing information about placing in a job of graduates. The authors present a model of information services for collecting, analyzing and evaluating information on results of placing in a job of graduates, the level of their salaries and employment geography. In this connexion revealed are problems associated with creation of monitoring system, as well as proposed is UML-diagram of model of the system of monitoring of placing in a job of graduates.
Key words: monitoring, graduates, placing in a job, information systems, mathematical model.
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