Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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S.V. Bakushev. In what way we must re-organize the procedure of defense of dissertation of candidate of science degree. P. 74-77

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S.V. Bakushev is doct. in Engineering, prof. at

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction Building


Examined are problems of raising quality of defense of dissertation researches as to degree of candidate of sciences, based on the definition of meaning of dissertation as scientific qualification work. Taken as an axiom, notification of non-identity statute of meaning of “qualification of competitor” and “quality of dissertation research” thesis, that competitor must show his scientific qualification in public presentations, in face-to-face dialogue against opponents, representatives of leading organization, members of dissertation councils, as well as others non-members of dissertation council, present at the defense procedure. Proposed is a number of concrete measures as to re-organization of defense procedure of candidate dissertation. Also presented are some recommendations, which in the author’s opinion could make for the success of raising quality of dissertation of candidate of sciences degree.

Key words: dissertation, procedure of defense, scientific qualification of competitor, re-organization of defense procedure. 


1.      RF Government order dated 24.09.2013 No. 842 “About conferment of a higher degree”.

2.      Regulations on dissertation council as to defense of candidacy for degree of candidates of science and doctor of science.