Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


S.V. Bogomazov. Involvement of future bachelor in solving of information-search problems of heuristic nature. P.62-67

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S.V. Bogomazov is post-graduate student at Siberian State Technological University


Analyzed is the problem of involvement of future bachelor in information-search tasks of heuristic nature character, that is initial pedagogical condition, enabling formation of creative self-efficiency of future bachelor in the process of his information-search activity. Development of this condition presupposes more precise definition of the notion of “information-search tasks of heuristic nature”. Given is solvation of such tasks for disciplines, studying by future bachelors, as well as description of pedagogical mechanism of involvement of future bachelor in information-search tasks of heuristic nature. Also presented is description of the process of development of this pedagogical condition and of it’s implementation in the process of experimental work. Results of elaboration of creative self-efficiency of future bachelor are also shown. Conclusion is made about effectiveness of pedagogical condition for involvement of future bachelor in information-search problems of heuristic nature.

Key words: future bachelor, involvement, information-search activities, heuristics, information-search tasks of heuristic nature. 


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