Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


N.G. Shilina, E.V. Taptygina. Organization of target recruitment of students for providing population of territories with medical cadres. P.87-90

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N.G. Shilina is Ph.D. in Education, doc., vice-dean of pre-university training and continuing professional department E-mail:

E.V. Taptygina is Ph.D. in Medicine, Dean of pre-university training and continuing professional department  E-mail:

prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky’s Krasnoyarsk State Medical University 

Presented is experience of organization of work with entrants on programs of target recruitment at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (KrasGMU). Model of organization of recruitment characterizes government institutions, participating in training of specialists on demanded specialties. In last two years KrasGMU provides target recruitment within 50 percent of quantity of all budgetary places. Preparation level of entrants is significantly lower than of those, entrants participating in general competition. For correction of subjects knowledge of entrance examinations faculty of pre-university training and continuing professional education of KrasGMU realizes various programs of additional education. Comparative analysis of knowledge on disciplines of natural science block of students is made, which he first-grade medical students which were trained on programs of additional education on target direction.

Key words: target recruitment, entrance testing, pre-university preparation. 


1.      The order of reception of citizens in the state-accredited educational institutions of higher education (as amended). Approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from October 21, 2009 № 442.

2.      [URL]: http://273-фз.рф/

3.      Shilina, N.G., Taptygina, E.V. Integrated approach to pre-university preparation // Higher education in Russia. — 2014. — No. 89. — P. 156159.

4.      [URL]: