Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Structure of readiness of future specialists in technologies of electronic multimedia publications to innovative professional activity

O.V. Fomicheva
80,00 ₽

O.V. Fomicheva is lecturer in computer systems and technologies at

S. Kuznets’s Kharkov National Economical University 

Analyzed is the notion of “readiness to innovative professional activity” in various fields of knowledge. The author proposed definition of “readiness of future specialists in technology of electronic multimedia publications to innovative professional activity”. Presented is structure of readiness to innovative activity, which consists of psychological component, including motivational valuable and personal sub-components, as well as cognitive and activity components. Besides characteristic of basic components of readiness to innovative professional activity, also characterized are importance of each of them, as well as their content. Results of the study could be applied in training of specialists in technologies of electronic multimedia publications to professional activity at higher educational institutions.

Key words: innovative activity, readiness of future specialists to innovative professional activity, structure of readiness, components of readiness to innovative professional activity, technologies of electronic multimedia publications. 


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