Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Model of competences of lecturer, assisting realization of interactive pedagogical technologies at study courses in high school

M.V. Tragel
80,00 ₽


M.V. Tragel is lecturer at Far Eastern Federal University


Presented is the author’s analysis of changes in the system of higher professional education, leading to changes in perception of professional competence of lecturer of high school. In the author’s opinion, one of major modernization changes is consists of introduction of interactive methods and technologies into educational process of university. This process poses before universities the problem, of what sort of competences are necessary for lecturer to implement interactive methods effectively. In the article, analyzed is the named problem, and offered is model for it’s solution. Conclusion is made, that introduction of interactive technologies in high schools’ practice is connected with number of difficulties, overcoming of which is theoretically possible with model, elaborated by the author. In that connection, the author emphasized the need for approbation of the named model in the process of further practical activity.

Key words: process of teaching at university, interactive methods, interactive pedagogical technologies, competencies of lecturer, model of competencies. 



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