Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


E.Yu. Kostina. Social partnership in activity of modern universities.P.63-67

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E.Yu. Kostina is cand. of Sociology, doc. at Far Eastern Federal University

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          Presented is the author’s concept of development of higher school on basis of development of partnership relations with the state, society and business, nowadays are being in the phase of active formation. The article attempts to analyze main directions of social partnership, realizing by high school. Also substantiated are both near-by and remote prospects of social partnership of high schools with staff and students with describing concrete forms and mechanisms of social partnership, that universities have to implement in their activities for ensuring competitiveness and leadership in innovative development, relevant to modern conditions. Conclusion is made that organization of social partnership at high school enables to reach necessary for successful work stability, ensure balance of individual, collective and state interests, and also intensify processes of reproduction of cadres and development of material and technical base.

          Key words: social partnership, partner interactions, university, higher education, subjects of education space. 


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