Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


A.V. Ermilov. Business game as method in complex formation of personal qualities of military students of high school of EMERCOM of Russia. P.106-109

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A.V. Ermilov is lecturer at Ivanovo Fire Rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia


          Examined is method of integrated formation of individually personal qualities of military students of universities of EMERCOM of Russia, representing inter-relationship of practical training and business game in the process of educational practice on the basis of rescue centers. Characterized is the structure of realization of business game, consisting three phases, of which the second one and the third are directly influencing on development of professional competence of military students and their personal qualities, as well as motivations to mental activity and self-development. The study of the named game method of training allowed to show effectiveness of it’s application. Lecturers in special disciplines highly assessed quality of realization of business game by cadets during their educational practice.

          Key words: business game, practical classes, individually personal qualities, cadets, rescue center. 


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