S.Yu. Nicoulina is doct. in Medicine, prof., vice-rector E-mail: nicoulina@mail.ru
R.G. Buyankina is cand. of Medicine, doc., head of department E-mail: buyankinar@mail.ru
I.O. Loginova is doct. in Psychology, prof., head of faculty E-mail: loginova70_70@mail.ru
at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetski
Presented is detailed analysis of readiness of high school in the sphere of management of quality to professional social accreditation of educational programs. The analysis is based on concrete activity of Krasnoyarsk medical university of Ministry of health of RF. Shown are achievements of that university at stage of preparation for passing of professional and public accreditation. Among them are in particular such aspects as recertification of quality management system in the sphere of education, carrying out scientific researches, activity for correspondence of pre-university training and additional professional education to requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011(ISO 0001:2008), as well as complete being provided with methodical literature for realization of the process of training of students.
Key words: quality management system, professional and public accreditation.
1. Buyankina, R.G., Nikulina, S.Yu., Zamiralova, E.V., Sokolovskaya, M.V. Self-evaluation of activity of educational organization as one of instruments of quality control // Medical education and high school science. — 2013. — No. 2. — P. 7–14.
2. Law of RF «On education in the Russian Federation» from 29.12.2012, No. 273-FZ.
3. Shmelkova, L.V. About professional and public accreditation of educational programs // Additional professional education in the country and abroad. — 2013. — No. 3 (3). — P. 5–8.
4. Sokolovskaya, M.V., Zamiralova, E.V., Buyankina, R.G. Self-evaluation as a tool for improvement of the system of quality management of educational organization // Siberian medical review. — 2014. — No. 3. — P. 80–84.